It's not about ideas, It's about making ideas happen.
This lunch is for people who want to learn from experience and share their own experiences to help others.
Hosted by Canopy City cofounders, this event is for Canopy Members and Non Members.
Pizza and beverage will be provided. You are also welcome to bring your own food, or just hang out with other founders.
The Founders Lunch is held every first Tuesday of the month at noon, 12:00-1:30PM.
Somerville: Check our events calendar for the latest updates.
An informal breakfast of kindred souls. Fuel your inspiration and your appetite for connecting. Open to Canopy Members and Non Members alike.
The Entrepreneurs Breakfast is held every second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m to 11:00am.
Somerville: Check our events calendar for the latest updates.
Under the Canopy
Have fun while building a deeper network.
Turn Up on Tuesday and mix with Canopy Members. Share ideas, inspiration and make new connections. A great opportunity for serendipity to do its thing!
Under the Canopy is held every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and feature drinks and snacks.
Somerville: Check our events calendar for the latest updates.
The Canopy Startup Sessions are held once per month and feature up to six tech- and life- sciences focused startup companies. The focus of the event is to help early stage founders validate and iterate their ideas. (Investors also view the event as a great forum to scout for early stage ideas.)
Each company demonstrates their idea, business model or prototype and looks to the audience for feedback. After the demonstration, audience members are encouraged to ask questions, give feedback and support the founder in their journey.
Some of these events are streamed live and also made available afterwards on Facebook and YouTube.
Startup Sessions are held every fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and feature drinks and snacks. Sponsored by the Boston Angel Club.
Somerville: Check our events calendar for the latest updates.
Apply here for the opportunity to present at Somerville Canopy Startup Sessions.